Thursday, 10 March 2022
In Colombia it is considered as a technology that provides several solutions for companies, such as virtual reality training, virtual meetings, 360 streaming, guided experiences for groups, serious game and many other things.
This tool allows the creation of visual environments for the visualization of content, which are displayed through the so-called "virtual reality glasses". The glasses allow the user to view the content through special screens close enough to the eyes, thus creating experiences much more faithful to reality, even more so than normal screens or the famous 3D technology.
although VR is a technology with great solutions, companies have used it more for fun.
Virtual reality companies in Colombia are scarce and basically dedicated to entertainment, for that reason is that TwoReality is becoming one of the leading virtual reality agencies, with more than 10 years of experience in the field of development of augmented and virtual reality applications.
They have worked with several brands such as Banco Santander, Bacardi, Redbull, Reebok, Bayer or Pepsi, allowing them to be the main reference in Spain, and that is why they wanted to bring the benefits of VR technology to Colombia.
TwoReality Company VR